Bitesize Bakehouse is going to be on TV!!!

Ainsley Harriott's brand new show on ITV, Good Mood Food, sees him celebrating food that really boosts your mood. Each episode focuses on a different type of food and Bitesize Bakehouse was picked for the fruit and berries show.

In the series I'm in, Ainsley cooks up a few recipes using fruits and berries and then also sets off on the road, along with Joseph Denison-Carey, to meet some independent businesses across Britain who are doing great things with that food category too.

Back in May, Joseph came to BB HQ to film our segment which will be all about the marshmallows. I showed Joe around the kitchen, how I make up my pillowy Marshmallows and incorporate fresh fruit and chatted all about how Bitesize Bakehouse came to be and what we do.

The show started last week, and is on every Saturday at 11.40am on ITV.

You will be able to can catch me on this weeks episode (episode 2, Fruits & Berries), 11th September, at 11.40. See you there!
...and if you want to get your hands on some freshly whipped marshmallows now you've heard all about them, click through to the shop now to browse this seasons flavours:
